From: Sent: Monday, 23 August 1999 21:03 To: Subject: [hjleak] Temperature Rise in Power Transformers Here is the gospel: To avoid deterioration of the insulating materials, it is necessary to limit the working temperature to 105 deg C for Class A insualtion which includes paper,cotton, silk, varnish & wire enamel. The temp rise in the winding as measured by the change in resistance method, will be about 10 deg C lower than the maximum(hot spot) temperature. Thus with an ambient temperature of 40 deg C plus a margin of 10 deg C for the difference between measured and hot spot temperature, it will be seen that the maximum permissible rise is 55 deg C, as measured by the change in resistance. It is common practice to allow 10deg C margin for change in line voltage, frequency, or operation in situations with restricted ventilation. Thus 45 deg C is generally accepted as the maximum permitted rise above ambient when measured by the resistance change. The temp difference between winding and core varies between 10 & 20 deg C according to the distribution of losses. This means that even with an ambient temperature of 25 deg C the core temperature may be 60 deg C. This will feel quite hot to the touch, although the internal temperature may be well under the permitted maximum. Measurement of the core temperature may be made with a spirit thermometer if good thermal contact is maintained between the core and the thermometer bulb. The winding temperature can be calculated by measuring the cold resistance, Ro, at an observed temperature of Ti. After a heat run at full load the hot resistance R is measured and the ambient temperature T2 is again measured. Taking the temperature coefficient of resistivity(a) of copper as 0.00393, the temperature rise T is found from the formula: T = R - Ro /Roa To correct for any changes in ambient temperature during the heat run it is necessary to subtract the difference T2 - Ti from T to find the actual rise. An example will illustrate this: The primary resistance of a transformer when cold was 30 ohm at an ambient temperature of 20 deg C. After an 8 hour full load run, the resistance was 36 ohms, while the ambient temperature was then 18 deg C. It is required to find the winding temperature rise. T = 36 - 30 / 30 x .00393 = 6 / 30 x .00393 = 51 deg C Now T2 - Ti = (18 - 20) deg C = -2 deg C Winding temperature rise = [51 -(-2)] = 53 deg C Reference - Radiotron Designers Handbook 4th Edition page 237 So there you are folks - the gospel according to Langford-Smith.. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ MyPoints-Free Rewards When You're Online. Start with up to 150 Points for joining! ---------------------------------------------------- LEAK.....the first Name in High Fidelity since 1934. ----------------------------------------------------